Exercises without equipment for the Muscular Body

All of us have a mindset that says how maintaining a healthy and fit body equals spending thousands of dollars on buying the best gym equipment available in the market or getting gym memberships. However, that is no longer the case anymore. You can stay fit and healthy, without stepping out of your house, and without spending any money on building a home gym either. It might sound like some far-fetched dream, but it is possible now. There are many productive workout regimes that you can follow from the comfort of your house, that does not require the assistance of any sort of equipment.

Moreover, getting into such a routine will not only help you stay healthy without spending extra, but it will also save you a lot of hassle and time which you face when you go to your neighborhood gym and get enrolled in training sessions.

Today, there are a large number of workout programs available, which might confuse anyone. So, here we list down some of the best no-equipment workout exercises that you should definitely try at home.

However, do not forget to spend some time warming up your muscles and your entire body, before diving straight into the exercises. Warming up will help lubricate your joints, slowly elevate your heart rate, and get your body ready for exercise. This will increase muscle flexibility to prevent injury, reduce soreness, and improve your range of motion. Many experts recommend stretching again after your workout is completed for similar reasons.

Lastly, the target should be to complete 2 sets of 10 -15 reps for each of the initially mentioned exercises, with 30 seconds to 1 minute of rest between each move. As your workout advances over time, you can and should increase your reps, decrease your rest time between each exercise, incorporate new and more challenging variations, push yourself to failure, and increase your time of holding a position to put more strain on your muscles. Keep the intensity level of warm-up exercises light and stick to about 5 minutes of stretching and warming up,  so as to ensure that you do not wear yourself down before the real workout begins.

Best No-Equipment Workout Exercises To Try At Home


  • These help to activate your core and posterior chain,i.e., the backside of your body. This is also a great exercise to use as a warmup.
  • To perform this, you need to lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and your arms extended by your sides. Then, you push through your feet and brace your core, raise your bottom off the ground until your hips are fully extended, and squeeze your glutes at the top. Next, you gradually return to the starting position and repeat.

Flutter Kicks

  • These have proved useful in improving the overall posture, balance, and stability of the body.
  • It is performed in a lying position, with your legs together and hands underneath your butts. Now, all you have to do is lift your right leg off the ground slightly past the hip height, and simultaneously, lift the left leg so it hovers a few inches off the floor, yet your back must touch the floor. You should try to hold this position for at least 5 seconds, before switching the position of the legs, and making a flutter kick motion.


  • You start by standing with your feet open shoulder-width. Next, you pull your navel in towards your spine and bend your knees reaching your butt back such that you resemble a posture of sitting in a chair. Keep in mind to ensure that your knees are not reaching past your ankles. Then you press down through your heels, and then stand back up to the starting position, squeezing the glutes at the top.
  • A beginner facing problems can squat halfway down before returning to the top.
  • Someone choosing advanced squats can jump to come up,  trying to land softly with bent knees, after performing the squat. You should straighten your knees, return to the top position, lower down into the squat again, and jump back up.


  • These are particularly useful to hit your quads, hamstrings, and glutes with a stationary lunge.
  • To do this, you split your stance with your right leg in front, such that your right foot is flat on the ground, and your left foot is up on its toes. Next, you bend your knees and lunge, stopping when your right thigh is parallel to the ground. To end, you push up through your right foot to return to the starting position and switch legs.
  • A beginner can modify this such that you take out the leg lift and perform a standard backward lunge. Furthermore, if you need extra support, you can hold onto a railing or a table to help with balance.


  • Burpees boost your heart and are perfect for shedding body fat with zero equipment.
  • To perform a burpee, you squat down from a standing position until your thighs are parallel to the floor and place your palms on the floor. From there, you kick your feet back as far as you can while keeping your arms extended. And as soon as your feet land, you jump them back in towards your hands, then jump up into the air. As soon as you land, you immediately squat down to go into the next rep.


  • Push-ups are one of the most effective bodyweight exercises that target your chest, triceps, and your shoulders. It works your core as well. Plus, the strength you feel running in your body after a satisfying pushup session is what attracts most towards the exercise!
  • You start initially in a plank position with your abs pulled in and your shoulders over your wrists, such that your elbows are bent out to the sides. Next, you lower your chest to the ground and then return to the plank position.
  • A beginner can perform this exercise on their knees. If you are unable to maintain a flat back or bend your arms fully so that your chest almost reaches the floor, lower your knees to the floor to do a modified push-up from that position.
  • If you want to go for something a bit more advanced, you can do this by alternating both legs in the air.

Tricep Dips

  • These are an excellent way to work out your arms.
  • You should start by being seated on the floor, with your hands placed down so that your fingers are facing towards your body. Then you press down the palms of your hands and come up onto your feet, in such a posture that your knees are in the air directly over your ankles. Lastly, you bend your elbows and lower your butt down to touch the ground, and straighten the arms to come up.
  • After ensuring you can do this properly for some time, if you want to push yourself further, then instead of having the legs bent for tricep dips, straighten the legs out in front of you to perform this exercise.

Lower Back Curls

  • Although ignored by many, back workouts are vital for developing all other muscle groups. Lower back curls have been found to be great to work your entire back and also alleviate all back pain caused by your normal day-to-day activities.
  • All you need to do is lie down flat with your arms by your sides, and slowly raise your chest upwards, with your arms down. Ensure to keep your head up during the move. Then once you think that you have reached the furthest point up, and you are unable to go any further, lower yourself back down.


  • This is a mandatory abs workout that places extra weight on the stomach muscles, helping you get into shape easily, and quickly.
  • You can perform a crunch properly by lying flat on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Then you place your hands on either side of your head, and push your lower back into the floor, while you simultaneously lift your shoulders a few inches off the floor. While doing this, make sure that your lower back stays in contact with the ground at all times. Next, you tense your abs hard at the top point of the movement and then return under control to the start position.
  • However, keep in mind that endless crunches can put pressure on your spine and, when done incorrectly, can even give you a set of weird, distended abs.

Bicycle Crunches

  • This is a targeted ab workout, which turned out to yield amazing results for most.
  • All you have to do is lie on your back and bring your legs to a tabletop position. This is followed by bending your elbows and putting your hands behind your head. Then, you runch up and bring your right elbow to your left knee, while keeping your right leg straight. Next, you release the crunch slightly and bend your right leg. Lastly, you straighten your left leg and bring your left elbow to your right knee.


  • Planks are the most recommended for working your core in a way that keeps you injury-free and builds the flat six-pack that you all target.
  • You initially start in a press-up position but rest on your forearms instead of your hands. After ensuring that your back is straight, you tense your abs and glutes. Then you try to hold this position without allowing your hips to sag.

Plank ups

  • You begin this in a plank position on your knees, and then lower down onto your right forearm and then your left forearm., such that you are in a forearm plank position. Then, you need to press your right and left palms down to press you back up into a plank.
  • If you want to upgrade this, you can perform this exercise on your toes (full plank position).

Side Planks

  • Side planks are excellent for targeting a particular, small muscle in your lower back. Strengthening this muscle is crucial for your spine health and will help you avoid back pain, which you must be prepared for if you have just begun your exercise regime.
  • To perform this, you lie on your left side with your legs straight, prop yourself onto your elbow, brace your core and raise your hips until your body forms a straight line. Your aim should be to hold this position while breathing deeply. Then you roll over and repeat the same on the other side.
  • A beginner should perform a side plank with the bottom knee propped up on the ground.
  • However, someone going for an upgraded level of this exercise can perform the side plank and lift the top leg off of the bottom leg.

Mountain Climbers

  • These help to activate muscles throughout your body. They also help increase your core strength and overall body stability.
  • This exercise is performed in a plank position. You need to ensure that your elbows are directly below your shoulders, and keep your neck, back, and hips, all in a straight line. Next, you should lift your right foot off the floor, flex your knee and bring it close to the right side of your chest, and repeat the same with the left foot.

Russian Twists

  • Experts highly recommend making Russian twists a part of your workout regime since it is a core exercise that improves oblique strength.
  • The exercise can be done by sitting and lifting both your legs, with knees flexed, followed by leaning back a little and joining palms to balance your body. Now, you have to twist your upper body to the left and then to the right.

Superman Punch

  • If done properly, this exercise really works your back, shoulders, as well as butt.
  • To begin this, you lie on your stomach with your arms extended overhead by your ears, lift your chest, arms, and legs off the ground and squeeze your butt. Then, keep your arms and legs off the ground, pull your elbows in toward your sides, and punch overhead. Now the task is to repeat this punching motion, hovering your arms and legs above the ground and engaging your glutes the entire time.
  • You can initially do this particular exercise for 10 seconds, with 3-5 reps, and increase with time.

Bulgarian Split Squats

  • Although a Bulgarian split squat is technically not a zero-equipment move, these can still be done pretty much anytime, anywhere, since they are performed with any lifted surface, like a couch, bench, small table, or even an airport chair. The exercise is a major lower-body burner and targets all muscle groups. You will feel the difference in your quads, glutes, inner thighs, hamstrings, and even your calves. Furthermore, it also tends to strengthen your body balance.
  • You stand with your back to the surface, for instance, a bench. With your left foot on the floor a few feet in front of the bench, you place the top of your right foot on the bench, shoelaces down. Next, you place your hands behind your head and engage your core. Lastly, you bend your knees to lower down into a split squat., such that your left knee forms a 90-degree angle so that your thigh is parallel to the ground, and your right knee is hovering above the floor. To end, you drive through your left heel and stand back up to starting position.
  • Doing 15 to 18 reps on one leg should be the aim, before switching sides. 4 sets on each side are adequate for a beginner.

Dead Bug

  • This helps you in building muscle in areas from the abdomen, arm, to thighs and moreover targets the entire body. This is particularly useful for sportsmen, as it activates your deep core muscles, along with working on your abs
  •  To perform the dead bug, you lie on your back with hands above you and feet up so your knees are at 90 degrees. Then, you straighten your leg until your heel is an inch from the floor and return to the start position. You should repeat the same with the other leg as well.

There is a long never-ending list of exercises, other than the ones mentioned above, that you can do without any equipment. However, these are the ones most recommended for a beginner, exercising for the first time, or out of touch with the practice.

Since you are going to do exercises at your own place, without the supervision of any trainer, it is advisable that you come up with a schedule, a timetable, that fits in your workout routine in your day-to-day life, after keeping in mind your work hours, and other commitments. You can incorporate all exercises in one day, and distribute them according to muscle groups. If you only have 15 minutes to squeeze in a quick workout one day, you can try to make up for it the following day. And you can also incorporate the rest days accordingly.

In this manner, a proper routine will not only help you build discipline but your body will be trained to perform the workout routine properly, which will yield much better results, as compared to you doing some exercises randomly, scattered throughout the week. Having a schedule will also come in handy to track your progress systematically, and ensure you cover all muscles during your training routine.

Furthermore, you must be careful and take caution that you do not force your body into doing something. Special care must be taken, at least in the initial days, so that your body gets time to get used to the exercises. Moreover, putting pressure on an injured body part must be avoided at all costs. It is always advisable to consult a professional before forcing your body into some intense exercise regime.

Lastly, remember that fitness is free. So, give the exercises listed above a go, and you will be well on your way to feeling fitter, healthier, and more productive, without spending any money on the purchase of unnecessary pieces of equipment. Be consistent, and follow your outlined routine, and you will see and feel the difference in yourself in no time!

We hope this article was useful and will help you become fitter, without spending a single penny!

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